missions.build_order(missions, sort)
Takes in a list of missions and returns them sorted in a particular way
Arguments Type Description missions
list(dict) A list of missions pulled from the SynackAPI sort
srt The way the missions should be sorted(Default: "payout-high")(Options: "payout-high", "payout-low", "shuffle", "reverse") Examples
>>> msns = [{"title": "Some mission",...}, {"title": "Another mission",...}] >>> h.missions.build_order(msns, "reverse") [{"title": "Another mission",...}, {"title": "Some mission",...}]
Takes a list of missions and summarizes them
Arguments Type Description missions
list(dict) A list of missions returned from the Synack API Examples
>>> h.missions.build_summary(h.missions.get_claimed()) {"count": 5, "value": 250, "time": 86158}
missions.get(status, max_pages, page, per_page, listing_uids)
Get a list of missions from the Synack API
Arguments Type Description status
str Status of missions to claim(Default: "PUBLISHED") max_pages
int The maximum number of pages to grab(Default: 1) page
int The page you wish to start on(Default: 1) per_page
int The number of missions you wish to return per page(Default: 20) listing_uids
str The slug of a specific Target to query for missions(Default: None) The default
on the Synack API is 20. I recommend leaving it there unless you also plan to try and get multiple pages of missions if there are more than 20. Don't set this number TOO high, or you may be requesting a lot of data, which may actually be detremental to the speed of your bot and the Synack API. Also consider that if there are multiple pages, you may just be better off still requesting 20 missions, but starting with the second page.In other words, when using this function, please consider what you are asking the computers to do.
>>> h.missions.get() [{"status": "PUBLISHED", "title": "Some Mission",...},...]
Get one page (Up to 20 missions) from the missions you have previously had approved
>>> h.missions.get_approved() [{"status": "APPROVED", "title": "Some Mission",...},...]
Get one page (Up to 20 missions) from the missions currently available for claiming
>>> h.missions.get_available() [{"status": "PUBLISHED", "title": "Some Mission",...},...]
Get one page (Up to 20 missions) from the missions you currently have
>>> h.missions.get_claimed() [{"status": "CLAIMED", "title": "Some Mission",...},...]
missions.get_count(status, listing_uids)
Get the number of missions
Arguments Type Description status
str Status of missions to claim(Default: "PUBLISHED") listing_uids
str The slug of a specific Target to query(Default: None) Examples
>>> h.missions.get_count() 10
Download the text part of a mission
Arguments Type Description mission
dict Mission dict pulled from the Synack API Examples
>>> msns = h.missions.get_approved() >>> h.missions.get_evidences(msns[0]) {"title": "Some Mission", "asset": "Web", "type": "MISSION", "structuredResponese": "no", "introduction": "This is the intro", "testing_methodology": "This is the testing methodology section", "conclusion": "This is the conclusion section"}
Get a list of missions (Up to 20) which are currently being reviewed
>>> h.missions.get_in_review() [{"status": "FOR_REVIEW", "title": "Some Mission",...},...]
Get the amount of missions counting against your Mission Wallet
>>> h.missions.get_wallet_claimed() 25
Get the amount you are able to hold in your Missions Wallet
>>> h.missions.get_wallet_limit() 100
Try and claim one mission
Arguments Type Description mission
dict A single mission dict returned from the Synack API Examples
>>> msns = h.missions.get_available() >>> h.missions.set_claimed(msns[0]) {'target': 'jwfplgu', 'title': 'Some Mission', 'payout': 50, 'status': 'CLAIMED', 'success': True}
Release one mission you currently have
Arguments Type Description mission
dict A single mission dict returned from the Synack API Examples
>>> msns = h.missions.get_claimed() >>> h.missions.set_disclaimed(msns[0]) {'target': 'jwfplgu', 'title': 'Some Mission', 'payout': 50, 'status': 'DISCLAIMED', 'success': True}
Set the evidences (text body) of a mission.
Note that there are protections in place to ensure you don't accidentally nuke a report you are writing. These protections currently include confirming that the current fields of the mission have 20 or less characters. If you have a lot of text in a mission and wish to replace it with a template, replace all of the text with a single character and try again.
Also note that the templates are pulled from your local file templates. Check out the Mission Templates page for more information.
Arguments Type Description mission
dict A single mission dict returned from the Synack API Examples
>>> msns = h.missions.get_claimed() >>> h.missions.set_evidences(msns[0]) {'evidenceId': 'uuid4...', 'title': 'Some Mission', 'codename': 'SLEEPYPUPPY'}
missions.set_status(mission, status)
Sets the status of a mission. Used in
Arguments Type Description mission
dict A single mission dict returned from the SynackAPI status
str Status to set it to (i.e., CLAIM
>>> msns = h.missions.get_available() >>> h.missions.set_status(msns[0], 'CLAIM') {'target': 'jwfplgu', 'title': 'Some Mission', 'payout': 50, 'status': 'CLAIMED', 'success': True} >>> h.missions.set_status(msns[0], 'DISCLAIM') {'target': 'jwfplgu', 'title': 'Some Mission', 'payout': 50, 'status': 'DISCLAIMED', 'success': True}