
The easiest way to get started with the SynackAPI is to install it via pip. For example:

pip3 install --upgrade SynackAPI

After doing this, you can use one of the Examples to understand the basic usage of the package.

I am not going to provide you with a ton of awesome scripts that will leverage the SynackAPI package. That is on you.

With that in mind, I would highly recommend you become familiar with the Plugins provided and apply your own ingenuity to come up with your own scripts.


The first time you try to do anything which requires authentication, you will be automatically prompted for your credentials. This prompt will expect the Synack Email and Synack Password, which are fairly self explanitory, but it also asks for the Synack OTP Secret.

The Synack OTP Secret is NOT the 8 digit code you pull out of Authy. Instead, it is a string that you must extract from Authy via a method similar to the one found here.

Use the above instructions at your own discression. I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY IF SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS AS A RESULT.

Once you complete these steps, your credentials are stored in a SQLiteDB at ~/.config/synack/synackapi.db.