Mission Bot

This is a simple example of how you could determine if there are missions every 30 seconds, try to claim some if there are.

We start by using import synack to bring in the SynackAPI package. We then use h = synack.Handler() to create the primary object we will be using; the Handler. All plugins are a part of the handler, which allows us to use h.missions.get_count() to make a lightweight HEAD request to determine the number of missions. If there are currently more missions than we know about from our last check, we can assume that some missions were released. We can then use h.missions.get_available() to get a list of available missions, and request them one at a time with h.missions.set_claimed(m). When the number of current missions goes back down to 0, we can assume there are no missions left, and we can reset our known missions to 0.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import time
import synack

h = synack.Handler(login=True)
print("I just logged in and if it was the first time I logged in, I successfully filled out my credentials!")

known_missions = 0
print("Since I just started looking, I don't know about any missions!")

while True:
    print("I had better sleep for a while so that I don't blow up the API, get everyone mad at me, and get myself banned!")
    curr_missions = h.missions.get_count()
    print(f"There are {curr_missions} missions")
    if curr_missions and curr_missions > known_missions:
        print("There are new missions I didn't know about!")
        known_missions = curr_missions
        missions = h.missions.get_available()
        print(f"I grabbed a list of {len(missions)} missions!")
        for m in missions:
            print("I had better sleep for a while so that I don't blow up the API, get everyone mad at me, and get myself banned!")
            outcome = h.missions.set_claimed(m)
            print(f"I tried to claim a mission. You can see the outcome here: {outcome}")
    elif curr_missions == 0:
        print("There are currently no missions, I'd better remember that!")
        known_missions = 0