This plugin deals with interacting with the database.
This plugin is a little different in most in that it has a couple functions which deal with database queries, in addition to many properties. Some properties are Read-Only, while others can be Set. Additionally, some properties can be overridden by the State, which allows you to change the way one Handler instance runs without affecting others.
Property | Read-Only | State Override | Description |
api_token | No | No | Synack Access Token used to authenticate requests |
categories | Yes | No | All cached Categories |
debug | No | Yes | Changes the verbosity of some actions, such as network requests |
No | Yes | The email used to log into Synack | |
http_proxy | No | Yes | The http web proxy (Burp, etc.) to use for requests |
https_proxy | No | Yes | The https web proxy (Burp, etc.) to use for requests |
ips | Yes | No | All cached IPs |
notifications_token | No | No | Synack Notifications Token used to authenticate requests |
otp_secret | No | Yes | Synack OTP Secret |
password | No | Yes | The password used to log into Synack |
ports | Yes | No | All cached Ports |
proxies | Yes | Yes | A dict built from http_proxy and https_proxy |
scratchspace_dir | No | Yes | The path to a directory where your working files (scopes, scans, etc.) are stored |
slack_url | No | Yes | The Slack API URL used for Notifications |
smtp_email_from | No | Yes | Email Source for SMTP Notifications |
smtp_email_to | No | Yes | Email Destination for SMTP Notifications |
smtp_password | No | Yes | Password to use for SMTP Server Auth |
smtp_port | No | Yes | Port of SMTP Server (Ex: 465) |
smtp_server | No | Yes | URL of SMTP Server (Ex: smtp.gmail.com) |
smtp_starttls | No | Yes | Boolean to determine whether TLS is used for SMTP |
smtp_username | No | Yes | Username to use for SMTP Server Auth |
targets | Yes | No | All cached Targets |
template_dir | No | Yes | The path to a directory where your templates are stored |
use_proxies | No | Yes | Changes whether or not http_proxy and https_proxies are used |
user_id | No | No | Your Synack User ID used for requests |
Add Target Categories from the Synack API to the Database This is most often used with the
function so that you are only returned information about Categories you have access to.
Argument Type Description categories
list A list of Category dictionaries returned from the Synack API Examples
>>> h.db.add_categories([{...}, {...}, {...}])
db.add_ips(results, session=None)
Add IP Addresses to the database
Argument Type Description results
list(dict) A list of dictionaries containing ip
addresses andtarget
sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker() A database session. This function is often used with db.add_ports()
and can have a session passed into itExamples
>>> h.db.add_ips([{'ip': '', 'target': '230h94ei'}, ...])
db.add_organizations(targets, session)
Add Organizations from the Synack API to the Database
Argument Type Description targets
list A list of Target dictionaries returned from the Synack API session
sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker() A database session. This function is most often used with db.add_targets()
and I was having issues getting it to work when it would create a new sessionExamples
>>> h.db.add_organizations([{...}, {...}, {...}])
Add port results to the database
Arguments Type Description results
list(dict) A list of dictionaries containing results from some scan, Hydra, etc. Examples
>>> results = [ ... { ... "ip": "", ... "target": "7gh33tjf72", ... "source": "nmap", ... "ports": [ ... { ... "port": "443", ... "protocol": "tcp", ... "service": "Super Apache NGINX Deluxe", ... "screenshot_url": "", ... "url": "http://bubba.net", ... "open": True, ... "updated": 1654969137 ... ... }, ... { ... "port": "53", ... "protocol": "udp", ... "service": "DNS" ... } ... ] ... } ... ] >>> h.db.add_ports(results)
Adds Target from the Synack API to the Database
Argument Type Description targets list(dict) A list of Target dictionaties returned from the Synack API Examples
>>> h.db.add_targets([{...}, {...}, {...}])
Add urls results to the database
Arguments Type Description results
list(dict) A list of dictionaries containing results from some scan, Hydra, etc. Examples
>>> results = [ ... { ... "ip": "", ... "target": "7gh33tjf72", ... "urls": [ ... { ... "url": "https://www.google.com", ... "screenshot_url": "https://imgur.com/2uregtu", ... }, ... { ... "url": "https://www.ebay.com", ... "screenshot_url": "file:///tmp/948grt.png", ... } ... ] ... } ... ] >>> h.db.add_urls(results)
db.find_ips(ip, **kwargs)
Filters through all the ips to return ones which match a given criteria
Argument Type Description ip
str IP Address to search for kwargs
kwargs Any attribute of the Target Database Model (codename, slug, is_active, etc.) Examples
>>> h.db.find_ips(codename="SLEEPYPUPPY") [{'ip': ', 'target': '12398h21'}, ... ]
db.find_ports(port, protocol, source, ip, **kwargs)
Filters through all the ports to return ones which match a given criteria
Argument Type Description port
int Port number to search for (443, 80, 25, etc.) protocol
str Protocol to search for (tcp, udp, etc.) source
str Source to search for (hydra, nmap, etc.) ip
str IP Address to search for kwargs
kwargs Any attribute of the Target Database Model (codename, slug, is_active, etc.) Examples
>>> h.db.find_ports(codename="SLEEPYPUPPY") [ { 'ip': '', 'source': 'hydra', 'target': '123hg912', 'ports': [ { 'open': True, 'port': '443', 'protocol': 'tcp', 'service': 'https - Wordpress', 'updated': 1654840021 }, ... ] }, ... ]
Filters through all the targets to return ones which match a given criteria
Argument Type Description kwargs
kwargs Any attribute of the Target Database Model (codename, slug, is_active, etc.) Examples
>>> h.db.find_targets(codename="SLEEPYPUPPY") [<class 'synack.db.models.Target'>, ...]
db.find_urls(url=None, ip=None, **kwargs)
Filters through all the ports to return ones which match a given criteria
Argument Type Description url
str Url hosting a service on the IP ip
str IP Address to search for kwargs
kwargs Any attribute of the Target Database Model (codename, slug, is_active, etc.) Examples
>>> h.db.find_ports(codename="SLEEPYPUPPY") [ { 'ip': '', 'target': '123hg912', 'ports': [ { 'url': 'https://www.google.com', 'screenshot_url': 'file:///tmp/2948geybu24.png' }, ... ] }, ... ]
Returns a configuration from the Database.
Argument Type Description name
str The desired config to pull. If none provided, the entire config object will return. Examples
>>> h.db.get_config('api_token') 'reuif...oetuhhj' >>> g.db.get_config('user_id') 'heutih9'
Remove targets from the Database based on criteria. If no criteria is provided, all entries are deleted
Argument Type Description kwargs
kwargs Criteria by which to find Targets for deletion (codename, slug, etc.) Examples
>>> h.db.remove_targets(codename='SLUGISHPARROT')
db.set_config(name, value)
Permanently sets a configuration in the Database
Argument Type Description name
str Name of the config to set value
? Value to set the config to Examples
>>> h.db.set_config('email', '1@2.com') >>> h.db.set_config('password', 'password1234')
Migrates the local database to include the newest changes. This may need to be run manually when SynackAPI is updated until I can figure out a better way to have it run automatically.
>>> h.db.set_migration()